DNA Sequencing Informatics II BINP29
7,5 credits
Bioinformatics, the application of computational methods to biological and biomedical problems, is a rapidly growing field. A large amount of data is being generated in the post genomic era through research in genomics, proteomics, and structural biology. It is therefore crucial that modern biochemists and biologists have knowledge of bioinformatics.
This hands on course will give you additional experience in analyzing next generation sequencing data. It is particularly focused on the downstream analysis after assembly of:
- transcriptome data
- amplicon data
- genome data
Working environment is Linux. You will work on two case studies from research conducted at the Department of Biology.
Included is a crash course in web programming.
Covered areas includes:
- gene prediction
- alignments
- phylogenetic trees
- metabolic pathways
- synteny
- ontology
- orthology
- signal proteins
- membrane proteins
- secreted proteins
- protein domains
The course ends with a one week project work.
Spring period 1b
Full-time, on campus, in English
Course literature, 2025
The latest schedule for the course DNA Sequencing Informatics II in the schedule software TimeEdit.
You will find the latest evaluation on our web page with course evaluations.
Lotta Persmark, Study advisor, biology and bioinformatics
Telephone: +46 46 222 37 28
Email: Lotta [dot] Persmark [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotta[dot]Persmark[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)