Master's programme in Molecular Biology - Microbiology and Biotechnology
120 credits
Knowledge about microbes and their diversity, physiology and genetics, as well as classical and modern tools to study them are important and highly relevant for work or research in many areas of biology, including molecular biology, infectious diseases and ecology. The Microbiology and Biotechnology master’s programme provides education and training that is highly competitive and very suitable for employment within many sectors of industry and society. It also prepares you for an international academic career in a variety of fields. Within the programme, you can specialise according to your own preferences and background, towards for example molecular microbiology, medical microbiology, or biotechnology.
The programme comprises two years of full-time studies (120 credits). Most courses are full-time studies, normally of 15 credits. The courses are typically teaching-intensive with lectures, seminars, theoretical and practical exercises as well as self-studies. Towards the end of the programme, you perform a Degree project of 30, 45 or 60 credits. Your teachers are active researchers and you will study in close association with an international research environment.
Recommended course of study
Year 1
Microbiology BIOR18, 15 credits (compulsory)
Molecular Microbiology BIOR63, 15 credits (compulsory)
Molecular Biotechnology and Methods BIOR94, 15 credits (compulsory, offered from 2025)
Antibiotics – Biology and Chemistry BIOR56, 7,5 credits (elective)
Microscopy – Bio-Imaging BIOS08, 7,5 credits (elective)
Elective course(s) in Molecular Biology, 15 credits (see list below)
Year 2
Bioinformatics and sequence analysis BINP17, 7,5 credits and
Programming in Python BINP16, 7,5 credits and/or
Elective course(s) in Molecular Biology, 15 credits (see list below) and/or
Master's degree project in Molecular biology 30/45/60 credits, (30 credits compulsory)
Master's degree project in Molecular biology continuation
Degree requirements
Courses corresponding to 120 credits, of which should encompass
Microbiology BIOR18, 15 credits
Molecular Microbiology BIOR63, 15 credits
Molecular Biotechnology and Methods BIOR94, 15 credits (offered from 2025)
Elective course(s) in Molecular Biology, 15 credits
Master´s degree project in Molecular Biology MOBM02/MOBN02/MOBN03, 30/45/60 credits
Optional course(s) 0-30 cr
Degree title
Master of Science (Two Years)
Major: Molecular biology with specialisation in Microbiology and Biotechnology
All elective courses in Molecular Biology
Antibiotics – Biology and Chemistry BIOR56, 7,5 credits
Applied Bioinformatics BIOR93, 7,5 credits
Biochemistry - advanced level KEMM23, 15 credits
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology BIOR84, 15 credits
Genetic Analysis BIOR92, 7,5 credits
Immunology BIOR85, 15 credits
Immunology and Infection Biology BIOR88, 15 credits
Metabolic Diseases BIMM27, 7,5 credits
Microbiology BIOR18, 15 credits
Microscopy – Bio-Imaging BIOS08, 7,5 credits
Methods in Molecular Biology BIOR79, 15 credits offered for the last time 2023
Molecular Biotechnology BIOR31, 15 credits offered for the last time 2024
Molecular Biotechnology and Methods BIOR94, 15 credits offered for the first time 2025
Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes BIOR95, 15 credits
Molecular Microbiology BIOR63, 15 credits
Molecular and Experimental Neurobiology BIMM26, 7,5 credits
Neurobiology BIOR58, 15 credits
Pharmacology BIOR98, 15 credits
Plant Function BIOR76, 15 credits
Sensory Biology BIOR20, 15 credits
Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine BIMM25, 7,5 credits
Tumour Biology BIMM28, 7,5 credit
Maximum 15 cr of the courses below may be included among the 60 cr Molecular biology courses:
Processing and analysis of biological data BIOS14, 7,5 credits
Bioinformatics and sequence analysis BINP17, 7,5 credits
Modelling Biological Systems BIOS13, 7,5 credits
Structural Biochemistry KEMM25, 15 credits
Programming in Python BINP16, 7,5 credits

Therese Reber, study advisor, molecular biology
Telephone: +46 46 222 83 19
Email: molbiol_master [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se